X22 Report

X22 Report is a daily show that will cover issues surrounding the economic collapse. Join me and many others to fight for what is rightfully ours. Website: x22report.com

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Wednesday May 12, 2021

The entire [CB] plan is backfiring, more and more governors are doing the opposite of [JB] and the [CB]. Everything is  about to change in specific states. Reports of inflation coming, the Biden admin try to down play it. The Energy Sec says it is not a gas shortage but a crunch. Trump and the patriots outsmarted the [CB], it's happening. Trump and the patriots setup the largest sting operation the world has ever seen, the [DS] is so arrogant they thought they beat Trump at this own game, this is what he was counting on. [JB] is now in the spotlight, he has more happening to him in the first 100 days than any other President. Fauci is now in being looked out for his involvement in the virus. The Clinton Foundation is back in the news. Scavino sends a message to watch NYC. Trump lets everyone know that Justice is coming.

Tuesday May 11, 2021

The [CB] is pushing their agenda with corporate tax increase, this is an illusion, it will not help the US economy it will hurt it in the end. The GOP governors are pushing back on unemployment insurance, [DS] panics. NY Times puts out article that there are no gas lines or shortages, fake news. Fuel prices move up. More people are beginning the transition. The [DS] is continually pushing the big lie, they are panicking that the American people will see the truth. What we are witnessing is the show, the patriots wanted to the people to see what type of world the [DS] has planned, the people are rejecting their world. The [DS] house of cards is tumbling down, the people are seeing more and more each and every day, rain is coming, pain is coming. The [DS] will have no place to hide. Enjoy the show.

Monday May 10, 2021

The [CB]s plan is failing, they wanted the world to suffer economically, their plan has failed, yes economies are hurting but economies are opening up. The [CB] is now exposed, they will use everything and anything to coverup the implosion of their system. Inflation is coming, and they know it, [FF] will be used to mask it. The [DS] is panicking over AZ, their entire case of trying to stop is failing. The patriots are moving forward and the information that is revealed is going to be the shot heard around the world. The violation of the constitution will reveal the truth about the elections, this will happen in multiple states. The [DS] will be a [FF] to distract from this information, this will fail. The cannon is going to be released on the [DS]

Sunday May 09, 2021

The Biden administration is having a tough time explaining why the unemployment number were a complete miss. They are continually pushing the [CB] agenda of keeping people from working by paying them to stay home. [JB] dodged taxes via a loop hole.The rich are preparing for what is coming. Crypto combined has surpassed the Fed note. The [DS] is continually pushing out fake news about the audit, the news is fake, the panic is real. [BO] sends dog comms, get ready for another funeral. Did the [DS] use the China rocket as a [FF] weapon? Maybe. The audit continues in AZ, Scavino sends a message, never give up, the truth is about to be revealed, the constitution is the only way forward.

Saturday May 08, 2021

Prepare Today And SAVE 20%
My Patriot Supply
Today’s Guest: Collin Kettell
Website: Nevada King
Collin is the Founder & CEO Of Nevada King. He comes from a family with deep ties to the mining, including co-founding AuEx Ventures, the company responsible for discovering the Long Canyon deposit, a project ultimately acquired by Newmont for $2.3B. Collin begins the conversation with how the economy is doing under [JB], the new taxes that the [JB] admin wants to implement will destroy businesses and make it difficult for the everyday person. The [CB] let the cat out the bag and they relayed the message that inflation is on its way, they will not be able to contain it this time around and they know it. The [CB] are preparing their CBDC but this will fail because Gold and cryptos will start to rise and in the end the people will have a choice, gold will destroy the [CB].

Friday May 07, 2021

[JB] says the economy is right on track, on track for the [CB] plan to bring us into the great reset. The MSM could not believe the job numbers. The economy is now falling apart. The [CB] has revealed their plan, total control of the currency world wide. This time the people have a choice. The patriots are now preparing the offensive, the [DS] is trying to get ahead of the election fraud story. The people will learn the truth and the facts. The [DS] is panicking and they are scrambling to stop the audit, Jen Psaki said she will be leaving in a year, the Atlanta mayor will not run again. The [DS] is in trouble, people are seeing the truth and as more do the [DS] will come crashing down. The offensive has just begun, get ready because this summer is going to get really hot.

Thursday May 06, 2021

[JB] is pushing the destruction of the economic system as we know it, Trump and the patriots wanted this, this way it creates a crisis, with a crisis you can then make the case of why we need to move away from the [CB] system. The rich are already preparing. The countermeasures are gold and bitcoin. The [DS] panic over the election audit is off the charts. Why would they care so much if the elections were transparent and secure, they wouldn't. They are now panicking and are trying to get ahead of the results. The people are reaching the precipice, we see this is many states and communities where the people are taking back control. The [DS] is preparing for the fallout, they are ready to black all communications, they are testing new system and they are continuing the censorship. The patriots are exposing it all.

Wednesday May 05, 2021

The WH family plan is going to cause negative economic growth, but the [CB] already know this. They present plans that sound great up front, but in the long run destroys jobs, businesses and peoples lives. Yellen walks back raising interest rates. The people are now pushing the new currency, not the [CB], it will begin from the bottom and work its way to the top. The [DS]/MSM is trying everything to stop the audits. They have deployed all assets. Once the information starts to hit the public realm the [DS] will move into overdrive and try to block it all, most likely we will a communication blackout. At this point it will be an all out information war. Once the people have learned that they do not have a voice and that elections were controlled it is game over for the [DS].

Tuesday May 04, 2021

The big tax increase that most people will not see comes in the form of inflation, it is the hidden tax the [CB] imposes on the people. With energy, food, lumber and many other prices moving up people are going to feel the pain. The [CB] is panicking over inflation, they are now signaling a rate increase. This will fail. The patriots are moving forward with the audit. The [DS]/corrupt politicians are being exposed, the people are waking up quickly. The politicians are being booed. The election fraud will be exposed, the codes on the computer systems are being broken and the census data does not match what happened in the 2020 election. It's only a matter of time, tick tock .

Monday May 03, 2021

The push for the great reset is failing, people are rejecting their electric vehicles. Biden has now told everyone that anyone making 400,000 or less will not have to pay taxes. The [CB] is losing the battle, more and more businesses are accepting cryptocurrency. The people around the country are waking up and they are pushing back against the [DS] agenda. More and more will rise up because they hear the calling. The [DS] is pushing everything they have to stop the audit, they have planes flying overhead, they have carnivals setting up next to the audit they have people sneaking in, nothing will stop this. Trump issues a statement that election fraud will be the biggest lie ever told. The patriots are now on the offensive, pushing the [DS] to expose it all and when they do its game over.

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