X22 Report

X22 Report is a daily show that will cover issues surrounding the economic collapse. Join me and many others to fight for what is rightfully ours. Website: x22report.com

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Thursday Jun 10, 2021

The [CB] plan is failing, soon the people will no longer received UBI and they will need to go back to work, this is something the [DS]/[CB] does not want. Inflation is beginning to pickup. The [CB] has now hit back at El Salvador, they have come out of the shadows are now in the spotlight for all to see. The [DS] is now panicking, they know the storm is coming, the storm is about to hit and they don't know how to stop it. The people are coming together, they thought they would be able to keep the people divided they were wrong. China is panicking, big pharma is panicking, there is now chatter amongst those in control, either show the public or their system collapses. Stealth bomber incoming, the people are ready, the audit will begin the movement.

Wednesday Jun 09, 2021

The woke companies are having a problem, why can't they pay their employees to work, why do they need them to volunteer.Inflation is coming and banks are now warning the public, people are noticing and showing others.Leaked IRS docs shows the people that the elite do not pay taxes like the rest of us. The [DS] has been trapped by their agenda, lies and narrative. The patriots knew their playbook and used it against them. The public is now finding out that they lie about it all and the fake news, big tech and corrupt politicians are continually lying. What the world is witnessing is the biggest sting operation we have ever witnessed, Trump and the patriots put everything on the line and now the world is about to see it all, the [DS] system is going to be exposed to everyone.

Tuesday Jun 08, 2021

The [CB] plan has failed, the universal basic income plan of keeping everyone home while the economy implodes is not working. There are now job openings and many states are reversing the pandemic policies. [D] lawyer caught saying [JB] infrastructure plan is really the climate change agenda. There is  a battle now for the next currency, Trump did something that contradicts the Fed.  The [DS] is now preparing for the fall out. It is now the patriots turn and the gloves are off, more states are coming to AZ to see the gold standard of forensic audits. The [DS] is setting the narrative to shutdown communications, and censor as many people as possible. Nothing can stop this. Scavino sends a message that the world is helping.

Monday Jun 07, 2021

People are fleeing CA for AZ, AZ gained 66000 new taxpayers and most of them are from CA. Watch CA. BOE is now moving toward their own digital currency. FBI is reporting that they tracked down the crypto that was paid by Colonial Pipeline.Trump says that Bitcoin seems like a scam and the dollar should be the world currency.  The [DS] is now preparing for zero day. They know the election audits are going produce the cheating, it is going to show that Trump won the election and the [DS] with the help of the fake news/big tech took it away from him. The energy secretary has already started the narrative saying the cyber hackers are attempting to hit the power grid. Is the [DS] preparing for the zero day?

Sunday Jun 06, 2021

The patriots are winning, [JB] will not follow the [CB]s, the unemployment for the pandemic will expire. There are now 23 states suing the Biden administration over the Keystone pipeline. [CB] shifts into climate change, this is now a threat to the global economy. El Salvador adopting bitcoin as legal tender and will hold as reserves! The patriots are now prepared for the offensive. Trump is now pushing the plan forward. The election audit is coming to a completion, Mike Lindell has the data form the voting systems, other states are following the AZ gold standard audit. The people are now learning the truth about the pandemic, how Fauci, the fake news and big tech lied to the American people. The people are reaching the precipice and they know who the true enemy is. Trump signals its time to take back the house, senate and the White H

Saturday Jun 05, 2021

Today’s Guest: Kevin Smith
Website: Gold Mountain
Kevin Smith is an Entrepreneur with experience across a host of industries.Kevin has extensive experience in organizing finance and construction of commercial and industrial development projects.  Kevin is currently the CEO/Director of Gold Mountian Corp. Kevin begins the conversation discussing inflation. Gold is manipulated by the [CB] and gold in the end will destroy the [CB]. 

Friday Jun 04, 2021

The people are now seeing how the economy is not working for them it is working against them. The people are experiencing the economy turning and the people will soon reach the precipice. The [CB]s are trying to regain the narrative but the people are not buying what they are selling. The [DS] is now being exposed to the people a little at a time, it had be done slowly in a way that people would accept it. Now the people are learning that they were lied to about the pandemic. The [DS] players are on the defensive and the patriots are hunting them down and exposing them. The election were a setup for the [DS], it was a sting operation. Trump knew they were going to steel it and he allowed it to happen, why, they wanted to capture the data in real-time, the evidence that was captured cannot be created or modified later on it had to be done at the exact moment it was happening. When Trump said we caught them all, the election was rigged he has the evidence. Optics are very important, so the forensic audits must show the cheating, Mike Lindell will show the cheating from foreign actors.

Thursday Jun 03, 2021

The [CB] economy is imploding, people are seeing it happen in real time and people want something different than what they are offering. The fake news is doing everything they can to push the [CB] agenda of the great reset, eating bugs is now news worthy. Economic infiltration from within, have investment houses take control of corporations and change the board. The [DS] is panicking, Fauci's emails have put the spotlight on him in a way that he never wanted. He went from golden child to murderer in seconds. The hunters have now become the hunted, its time to drain the main part of the swamp and expose them to the people. Trump sends message to China, EO on the ready. Those who [knowingly] worked with a foreign government to destroy the US will be held accountable.

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021

The [CB] are continuing with their plan, but as more people see their plan the more they are losing the narrative. [JB] says the black community cannot get ahead because they can't find accountants or lawyers. [JB] budget plan where continually says the wealthy do not pay taxes is false. Right on schedule the great reset push is happening two cyber attacks on the exact things they want removed. Klaus Schwab is angry because businesses are not going along with the great reset plan. The [DS] is in trouble. Everything they have done or are trying to do is being exposed. Emails were released that shows Fauci knew that covid was engineered and funded. That the spread of the virus was not asymptomatic, that there were drugs that would cure it and he explained in his emails that masks do not work. There was no reason for the lockdowns. The [DS] is panicking, they don't know Trumps next move. The states are leading the charge and the audits will reveal the truth.

Tuesday Jun 01, 2021

The [DS]/[CB] are doing exactly what the patriots want, they believe its safe, so they are emerging from the shadows. [JB] imports oil from Iran. The [CB] is moving forward with their Great Reset. The Fed expands it's mandate on it's own to push the Great Reset. EU is looking to control the entire population using single sign on. The [CB] followed their playbook and created another event, this time with the meat industry. The creator of Cardano network says the [CB] does not have a chance against the decentralization. The [DS] is now panicking. The patriots are moving forward with the audits and it is spreading to other states. Hunter's laptop points to [JB]. Obama says everyone is one place pushing the [DS] agenda. Fauci is on the hot seat. The protest on Jan 6 is falling apart as more videos emerge. Trump explains the only way forward. The election fraud must be revealed.

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