X22 Report

X22 Report is a daily show that will cover issues surrounding the economic collapse. Join me and many others to fight for what is rightfully ours. Website: x22report.com

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Sunday Jun 20, 2021

The fake news is trying to switch the blame of why employers do not have employees, and they are using the excuse of Trump keeping the border secure. The fake news left out that [JB] is paying to people to stay home. The [CB] need people to keep their system going. The [CB] is now desperate, [FF] is being prepped. The patriots are ready for the offensive. Everything is coming together all at once. The month of August is typically a hot month, but nature is unpredictable. New SM site coming online in August. Election audit report released in August, Congress away in August, coincidence.

Saturday Jun 19, 2021

During the G7 [JB] allowed the [DS] players to take advantage of America once again. This was all part of the [DS] plan, steal the election and get back on track. The WB and IMF are now panicking over El Salvador, they want nothing to do with the Bitcoin. Trump and the patriots are making the [DS] feel the pressure. Everyday more and more information is dripped out and puts pressure on the [DS]. The hunters have now become the hunted. The patriots are using a tactic based on the use of overwhelming power and spectacular displays of force to paralyze the enemy's perception of the battlefield and destroy their will to fight. The push to remove [JB] has begun. Trump mentioned that the 25th Amendment would come back to haunt him.

Thursday Jun 17, 2021

The great reset is hitting road block after road block. The first road block was when Trump introduced the vaccine, it countered their plan. This allowed countries not to be under pressure to accept what the [CB] was offering. Now the Swiss reject the [CB] plan, they know. The Republican party is now accepting Bitcoin. The [DS] is now telegraphing their plan once the election information is released to the public. The [DS] along with the fake news will try to spin the information, try to get ahead of the story but when this fails they will push the event. Scavino put out a story which has the words red alert, is he warning us that something is coming. The election audit result will be produced in the next couple of weeks and Trump has now schedule his first rally, timing is everything.

Thursday Jun 17, 2021

Prepare Today And SAVE $100
My Patriot Supply
Today's Guest: Jordan Sather
Website: http://jordansather.com
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-295521
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/XyIkC2xqtFHY/
Jordan Sather is the creator and owner of jordansather.com. Jordan begins the conversation talking about the pandemic, the pandemic is just that and planned false flag used for the elections and to bring us into the great reset. The [DS] is prepared and ready to use major distractions from the election audit results, they are now playing up the UFO, power grid angle. They will even go as far to say that there was a space anomaly that brought down the grid. The patriots have always known of this plan and countermeasures are in place.

Wednesday Jun 16, 2021

The [CB] plan is failing, a federal judge has granted an injunction to stop the leasing banning in Louisiana. As time goes on the D's states will become run down, crime will go up, people will see the difference. The Fed now says that inflation will be higher than they originally thought. Fake news trying to control Bitcoin. The [CB] expose their currency plan. The patriots now have the [DS] exactly where they want them, Biden days are numbered, people are seeing the truth. The truth is continually dripping out and the election fraud results are right around the corner. The patriots are now ready for the offensive, the people are ready, hold the line. The [DS] knows whats coming, they are preparing to counter the truth, patriots know the playbook, countermeasures are in place.

Tuesday Jun 15, 2021

The people have a front row seat to the [CB] plan, the plan to destroy the economy. The people are now seeing inflation and they are not blaming Trump, they are blaming Biden, which means the [CB]. Rep Jim Jordan says wait until the people see their taxes go up. Without the Fed  the government to fund its foreign wars, its massive, unsustainable social programs, the ever-growing police state, and the tangled web of corporate welfare programs. The patriots on the offensive, they are preparing and getting ready to reveal the truth about the elections, AZ is the gold standard and once fraud is shown in the election other states are going to vote to have a forensic audit. The [DS] is preparing for this, they have now put certain things into place. Red 2, communication blackout in the continental US is coming. The [DS] is now preparing to go after those who push misinformation. The patriots are ready with a SM platform, the emergency alert system is ready. Patriots know the playbook.

Monday Jun 14, 2021

The [CB] was put in a tough spot by the patriots, Trump reversed almost everything they needed to do and when the [CB] tries to reverse course this is very easy to spot, especially when you are destroying jobs. The promise of student loan forgiveness seems to be fading away. Trump allows the people to see the club.  The patriots are preparing to show the world the truth, the [DS] cheating in the election and lied about almost everything that happened during the pandemic, riots etc. Zero-Day is approaching and the [DS] is preparing to counter this with a [FF]. Patriots are on the ready, countermeasures are in place, think new social media platform, people aware now, people logically thinking.

Sunday Jun 13, 2021

The large financial institutions are preparing for the  collapse of the fiat system, they are buying as many hard assets as possible. Federal Judge strikes down the [DS] anti white farmer debt relief program. Macron let's [JB] we will need the US to send money, [JB] agrees. Alternative currency coming. The [DS] is panicking, there have investigations since 2017 and there has been no leaks, remember FISA works both ways. There is only one chance at this and it has to be done right. The reporter that broke the tarmac meeting of [BC] and [LR] committed suicide [wetwork]. The [DS] is preparing to counter the audit from the election, they will do everything and anything to stop the information from reaching the people. Think what they did during the election, they created an entire pandemic to cheat in the election, what will they do when the truth comes out, [FF] alert.

Saturday Jun 12, 2021

Prepare Today And SAVE 20%
My Patriot Supply
Today’s Guest: Bill Holter
Website Jim Sinclair’s MineSet
Bill Holter is a Financial writer and gold expert, Bill also helps individuals purchase and store precious metals, he collaborates with Jim Sinclair. Bill begins the conversation talking about how inflation is not transitory and that the economy is going to get worse as time goes on. Gold will begin to move up and the great reset that the [CB] tried to push has failed. The destruction of the [CB] has already begun. Prepare for a [FF] to try to coverup it all. 

Friday Jun 11, 2021

The globalist are trying everything possible to push their plan, [AG] is now pushing Biden to shutdown another pipeline.  The dollar is continually losing value, soon people will really see how the [CB] system does not benefit them. Texas is now preparing to let people to hold Bitcoin. The [DS] is in trouble, the patriots have been investigating the leakers since 2017 and now the information was released to the public, the NYT spun the story using the keyword seize but this was by the book investigation following the rule of law. Coincidence that the information was released now, no, the storm is forming. The patriots are hitting the [DS] from all sides, this is the worlds largest sting operation, they are trapped and their is now way out. Panic is setting in over the audits, AG Garland will make sure the post election audits did not violate any laws. Zero day is coming.

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