X22 Report

X22 Report is a daily show that will cover issues surrounding the economic collapse. Join me and many others to fight for what is rightfully ours. Website: x22report.com

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Saturday Jul 10, 2021

Prepare Today And SAVE 25%
My Patriot Supply
Today’s Guest: Brian Cates
Telegram: Brian Cates Political Columnist
Brian is a writer and the author of Nobody Asked For My Opinion… But Here It Is Anyway. Brian has written for UncoverDC, The Epoch Times and many other publications. Brian begins the conversation with the class action lawsuit, the lawsuit will expose how big tech colluded with government to fix the elections.  With discovery the Trump lawyers will be able to find much more information regarding, Fauci, Pandemic, Jan 6th and other collusion crimes. Durham is doing a true investigation, he has many sealed indictments. His scope is far and wide and when he is ready he will make arrests and issue a report. Justice is coming, the people are the storm. 

Friday Jul 09, 2021

The people are now waking up, they realize the new system the [CB] is trying to push everyone into will not be based on credit score alone, this will go much further than that. The [CB] wants to do the same thing that China has now a social credit score. Steve Wozniak says that Bitcoin is the most amazing mathematical miracle, interesting. The [DS] is doing everything they can from keeping the truth from coming out. [JB] is letting everyone know that he will retaliate against Russia for cyber attacks, playing up the narrative. Trump is now suing big tech, but he is going after congress, because in the lawsuit it is alleged that congress colluded with big tech to censor people. This violates the rights of the people. Trump during an interview said everything with him is a war, an informational war.

Thursday Jul 08, 2021

The [CB] plan is failing, [JB] is now pushing a fuel tax as prices increase. The fake news is now trying to control the narrative of inflation, people are going to see through this, this time it is different. The banks are now preparing to let people invest in crypto, why now.  The [DS] is now being trapped by Trump and the patriots, Trump is slowly unleashing his plan the [DS] in the end will have to place to turn. This is a strategic plan, it is pre-planned. This is the last stand, If it is not done correctly it will not work. Once the election audit results are release the [DS] is going to go over drive to prevent the information from coming out. Trump know this, countermeasures are in place to capture and then expose it all. Where's Durham?

Wednesday Jul 07, 2021

The [CB] is now panicking about inflation, they never expected their agenda to be countered. Now the people can see it clearly and they are trying to control the narrative, but this will be uncontrollable. The [CB] has gone way beyond its mandate, will this be used against them in the end. Trump just announced that he and others are filing a class action lawsuit against big tech. Think of the timing, why now?  Think communication blackout, think discovery. Why interfere with an enemy while they in the process of destroying themselves. How do you make information public?  Optics and timing are very important. If you know the [DS] playbook you have the ability to counter their agenda. The patriots are in control and they ready for the [DS].

Tuesday Jul 06, 2021

The people can now see the economic difference very clearly. As this separation continues the people will experience what the [CB] truly wants, sometimes you must show the people. Supermarkets are now stocking up because they know inflation is coming. People are going to see how the [CB] system actually hurts their bottom line. The [CB] makes their move by denying people the people the ability to purchase what they want. The [DS] is panicking, the audits around the country are moving forward, the narrative to change the US is not working, it's actually waking people up. The more the [DS] pushes the worse it gets for them . It had to be this way, the people had to see it to wake up so they never forget. Soon it will be the patriots turn and the [DS] won't know which way to turn. The clock is ticking down.

Monday Jul 05, 2021

People are beginning to see how bad it's going to get if we continue down the [CB] path. Look at the difference between the red and blue states, economically they are beginning to separate and go in opposite directions. The Keystone XL pipeline with other states has now filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration. The [DS] is telling everyone everything is racists. The people are not buying it, the [DS] plan is failing. Seth Rich coming back in the news. Big tech, fake news, intelligence agencies preparing to counter the truth. Jan 6th narrative quickly falling apart. The patriots are now preparing to counter the election wasn't fraudulent push from the fake news, corrupt politicians etc. The patriots knew that Trump was going to have to take one for the team, this was the only way to wake the American people up, they needed to see the infiltration, censorship, the fake news. Soon he will be vindicated.

Sunday Jul 04, 2021

The [CB]/[JB] admin are being exposed each and everyday. The people will be reaching the economic precipice and will demand change. The [CB] is trying to control the narrative of inflation but this will fail. A Judge moves to limit states tax cuts. The [DS] is panicking, the puppet masters are preparing the next event, they know they cannot stop what is coming. The people are not divided like they wanted, the people of this country are coming together. Trump is ready to make a big announcement. The election audit results are going to be produced and the [DS] will react by pushing events, they are now preparing the narrative. This will fail. Trump knows the playbook, great things are about to happen, more and more people are waking up, wait until you see what happens next.

Friday Jul 02, 2021

The economy is now reversing, the Biden admin say they created 3 million jobs, its the same jobs, the people just went back to work after the pandemic. The unemployment increased to 5.9.  The WH is trying to convince everyone inflation is controlled, big fail. It's happening people in SF want to leave. The elite say the quite part out loud, they want a Chinese financial system. Fed makes their move, fed coin.  The [DS] has now been trapped in the biggest sting operation. They are now trying to distract the public, they just made the worst move, going after Trump's financial records, boomerang. Trump from the art of the deal, "My philosophy has always been that if you ever catch someone stealing , you have to go after him very hard, even if it costs you ten times more than he stole. Stealing is the worst. The pieces are in place, the facts are dripping out, the people are being prepared, what happens next will be easier to accept.

Thursday Jul 01, 2021

The [CB] is now preparing the people, they are introducing their plan, the factory meat that they are creating will not win over the people. The [CB] is losing the climate change narrative, since they need to accelerate their plan the message is muddied. MJT exposes the infrastructure plan. The [DS] is panicking like we have never seen before. The Supreme Court just shot down three ruling and now the Georgia case is in jeopardy. The [DS] is gearing up for the first [FF], this will keep the news cycle busy so they do not report on the election findings. This will fail. The American people are continually being introduced to [HB] and [JB] crimes via the laptop. Crimes against humanity is being displayed with certain operations. Election fraud hits NYC and now DeBlasio wants an audit, coincidence. The pill must be easy to swallow, the public must be prepared for what is com

Wednesday Jun 30, 2021

Corporations are now warning consumers expect to see higher prices. They can't avoid it, they tried shrinking products, removing the count but now it will be obvious of what is happening. Trump warned everyone that the [CB]/[JB] was going to centralize zoning, he was right again. The [DS] is now prepped and ready for the fallout. They will try to enrage the people to push their agenda, this will fail, so they will create it on their own using fake groups that have been infiltrated, don't fall for it. Once this fails the [DS] will move to a communication blackout. Trump knows how they cheated, they caught them all, he knows he will be reinstated in the end. The fireworks are going to begin its going to be a very hot summer, get ready for the fireworks.

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