X22 Report

X22 Report is a daily show that will cover issues surrounding the economic collapse. Join me and many others to fight for what is rightfully ours. Website: x22report.com

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Friday Apr 23, 2021

The people are starting to wake up, the economy is one thing that the people have in common and they are starting to realize what [JB]/[CB] has planned does not benefit them. Panic. The [CB] is trying to push people away from all other types of currency, this will fail. It has begun, the AZ audit is underway. The [DS] is now making moves to stop the audit, they are panicking. What are they so afraid of, the TRUTH. Once the audit is complete this will be a D5 avalanche. Buckle up its going to get bumpy. The people will see the deep dark world. the Truth won't be for everyone.

Thursday Apr 22, 2021

[JB] is doing exactly what the patriots wanted him to do. Trump made the economy great, [JB] is now destroying it, with their reset/climate agenda. [JB] is now in the process of implementing a 43% capital gains tax, this is exactly what the [CB] wants. The patriots are now leading the [DS] down the path. The people are waking up in droves. People are not getting the vaccine like the elite thought they would. The people are starting to push back, the companies are realizing that they are going against the people. The race card is not longer working. Now the Arizona elections are being audited. Tick tock, the patriots are on the offensive and the people are seeing the [DS] plan very clearly and they are pushing back.

Wednesday Apr 21, 2021

The lockdowns have now showed the people the true problem, the unemployment rate is the highest in the cities that were locked down the longest, they kept the people from working and businesses closed. Conspiracy no more, D mayors pushing UBI. It has begun, mayor wants Bitcoin mined on the balance sheet. Trump and the patriots created a plan to remove the swamp. The plan was telegraphed in many ways, but the most obvious was the portrait of Andrew Jackson. We the people were warned about the plan, the reason for this is so we the people can push back on it. The [DS] is panicking, their plan is out in the open and everyone can now see it. The push of racism is no long working, the majority sees through all of this. We always had more than we know.

Tuesday Apr 20, 2021

The [CB] is making it's move, they are trying to usher in the Great Reset, but this time there is a problem, the people have a choice. When the [CB] moved the people from the gold standard to fiat the people didn't understand what was happening, now they people understand and they see the choice in front of them. The verdict is in for the trial of Derek Chauvin, will the people riot?  The MSM/Ds have been pushing the people to riot if the verdict is not what they want. The patriots have it all, the election fraud was captured, they have the ips, the attacks, the flipping of the votes.  They have the code. Good people are acting on the information. This is not about a 4 year election , this is about breaking their system.

Monday Apr 19, 2021

The [CB]s are no longer hiding in the shadows, they have no cover story so they must make their move. They have announced that they are now moving towards their new system, central bank digital currencies. This is why they dislike crypto and gold. People can see their plan now. The [DS] plan is unraveling, the push to take over the country is falling apart, the only thing it has done was wake a lot of people up. The patriots are now building their offensive, evidence will be introduced into the public realm, optics are very important. The [DS] cannot be explained, the people must experience it, they must see it first hand. Watch antifa, watch Arizona, watch NY and CA, sonic booms incoming.

Sunday Apr 18, 2021

The [CB] is now doing everything they possibly can to drive people away from cryptocurrency. The [CB] will not stop until the people give up or when the people say no more. China is now trying to divert everyone away from the fact they are trying to introduce their own digital currency. The [DS] / MSM are now being exposed to the world. The people are now confused with the pandemic message, people are no longer listening to Fauci and states are opening up and those states that are opening up the cases are dropping. Scavino sends message, sonic boom incoming. Wray makes a surprising announcement, that Antifa is organized and they local and regional nodes. The audit in Arizona is about to happen, will this be the shot heard around the world.

Friday Apr 16, 2021

[JB] infrastructure bill is now funding parents who want their children to stay home from school. This doesn't mean they will be homeschooled. Dumbing down America. People are now shifting their funds out of fiat and it to other currency like Bitcoin. It has begun. The people can now see the [DS] system, who is involved and what lengths they will go to reach their goal. This is going to get worse before it gets better. The [DS] is now ramping up the riots to push their multiple agendas, race wars, gun control and it just so happens that this is happening exactly when Arizona is going to be audited. Flynn states that the Arizona and Michigan audits are tactically important. The world is watching. Stay alert the [DS] will counter.

Thursday Apr 15, 2021

[JB] economy is out of control, prices are rising, the poor are hit first, then the middle class. They will remember this at the polls. [NP] husband used call options to buy Microsoft ahead of the government signing the contract, insider trading? The [CB] of Egypt warns the people not to buy Bitcoin. The government/[CB] are trying to sanction Bitcoin, big fail, panic everywhere. The [DS] is losing the narrative. The people are approaching the precipice. People in the swing states are blaming [JB] for the border crisis, laws were changed in these states. Rasmussen reports that 51% of the people believe that [JB] cheated in the election, 75% want the 2nd Amendment. The people are starting to flex their muscle, once the people reach the precipice, laws changed, then you expose the fraud.

Thursday Apr 15, 2021

Today’s Guest: Charlene & Ty Bollinger
Website: The Truth About Cancer
Charlene and Ty are the creators and owners of The Truth About Cancer. The discussion begins on how Charlene and Ty start the truth about cancer. They lost family members to cancer. In their research they found out that the establishment has been holding back the cures for cancer. The discussion then branches off into vaccines and the pandemic. The establishment is pushing their agenda for control over the people. 

Wednesday Apr 14, 2021

The Biden Admin is now showing all of America that America is last, the US will now spend $352 to house illegals in hotels. The entire economy is now out of control, fuel prices are skyrocketing, lumber prices are increasing rapidly. The [CB] panics, their system is imploding and now they call for more stimulus. The people are now seeing the [CB] fiat system for the first time, the people begin to transition. The [DS] is now losing it's power. The people are now flexing their muscles, there is strength in numbers, the power of the people are returning. Step back and look at what is going on, look at the entire plan from a 40,000 foot view, you can see what's really happening. Trump sends a message, we are not going to take it anymore.

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