X22 Report

X22 Report is a daily show that will cover issues surrounding the economic collapse. Join me and many others to fight for what is rightfully ours. Website: x22report.com

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Tuesday Jul 20, 2021

The [CB]/[JB] are now having trouble dealing withe the economy, they are on the defensive because the people are experiencing something very different than what is being said. The people know. Wages are falling not moving up. The [CB] is now panicking and they are now trying to take control of alternative currencies.  The patriots are now producing the facts and the truth about the election, everything the [DS] has done is going to boomerang on them, this will be the biggest scandal in American history. The [DS] will fight back and try to put pressure on Trump. The [DS] is now planning multiple [FF] to distract the people and to stop the flow information. In the end it will not work, the people will find away to get the information out. Justice is coming.

Monday Jul 19, 2021

The [CB] are now trapped, they are in the process of trying to explain to the people why we are seeing inflation and what they are going to do to fix inflation. There is no fix, their system is imploding. The [DS]/[CB] might use the markets as a distraction. The [DS] is now trapped, they took the bait, and the patriots have been leading them down their path. Now the world is going to see how they manipulate the system to put the people they want into elected office. If all 50 states are audited would we find out that those who hold office should not be there. As the evidence is produced the [DS] will begin to deploy all assets to stop the flow of information. This will fail as it has failed in the past, safeguards are already in place to counter this. Red lines will be crossed. What we are witnessing is the destruction of the old guard and the power returning to the people.

Sunday Jul 18, 2021

Trump showed the people what the economy was able to do while he was President, now people can see the difference. [JB] who is controlled by the puppet masters [BO] is now pushing the economy back to where it was, and people can see the difference.The Fed and [JY] are now calling for rapid inflation. The [CB] agenda will destroy them in the end. The [DS]/corrupt politicians are now bracing for the shock wave. The truth and facts are coming out the people are going to wake up and understand that the election was controlled by the [DS] players. The [DS] will deploy every asset they have to stop this, prepare for [zero-day] communication blackout. The [DS] will not stop there, they will then push riots and try to make it seem like the Trump supporters became upset because Trump was not reinstated in August.  This will fail, the truth always wins.

Saturday Jul 17, 2021

Prepare Today And SAVE 25%
My Patriot Supply
Today’s Guest: Harley Schlanger
Website: La Rouche Organization
Harley Schlanger is historian and national spokesman, he has been covering the financial industry since the 80s, you can now follow Harley at The LaRouche Organization. Harley begins the conversation discussing inflation on how the [CB] is losing control.  The [DS]/elite are doing everything they can to take total control of the world. The people are rising up, the people are being pushed into a corner and now they are fighting back, they have reached the precipice. The great reset is not working and they will try another [FF] by hitting the supply chains with a cyber attack. This will fail. 

Friday Jul 16, 2021

The American people are waking up, they know why the economy is not doing well, they know why their dollar is not going very far, they know why it is becoming much more difficult to get by, they are now blaming the Biden admin and the [CB]. The [CB] is pushing their agenda WW to push the great reset, they are trying again since the pandemic has been countered, the people are waking up and will not be buying what they are selling. After AZ let the people know what they found when they did the forensic audit the [DS] is panicking like we have never seen before. YT deleted the AZ video, that tells you everything you need to know. The people are waking up to the fact that the election was one big fraud. The truth is coming and when the public finds out they will demand change. The [DS] knows that they need to stop this or its over for them, be prepared, see something say something, the [DS] is about to make their move.

Thursday Jul 15, 2021

The [CB] is trapped, they will try to push another [FF], this time on the supply chains, most likely on the food supply chain. They are now setting up the narrative, that inflation will not last it will disappear, they know it won't, what happens if they hit the supply chains. The people will see right through this. The [DS] is now going into a deep panic, the preliminary results of the forensic audit are out and it there is a pattern forming amongst all the states. Once the other states begin their audits the pattern will be very easy to see. Tucker Carlson went ahead and talked about election fraud, now more people know, will he report on the AZ findings? The [DS] will now push their [FF] agenda. Be prepared because the ride is going to get bumpy, Durham ready, this won't be just a report it will be arrests, buckle up.

Wednesday Jul 14, 2021

The people are now seeing the [CB] agenda, they do not want to help the people, they want to keep the people down. This is backfiring. Yellen pushes forward with the plan and the Fed finally says the quiet part out loud. They are now telling people that every other currency is worthless, only look at the CBDC and everything will be ok. The [DS] is panicking like we never saw before. This entire plan to expose the [DS] system is being driven by we the people, and they know this will be difficult to stop. First they will try to create a violent riot across the country, it will be small but the fake news and big tech will try to make it seem a lot larger than it is, when this fails, they will move into the next [FF] this will be a communication blackout or they might reverse the order. The patriots caught them all, this is the largest sting operation the world has ever witnessed, no deals, no place to hide, once the people see it all, justice.

Tuesday Jul 13, 2021

The [CB] is in trouble, their economic system is imploding and the people are noticing. If you look at Cuba they are experiencing inflation and it is hurting the people. Other countries will soon experience this.  The [CB]s are panicking, they will show their true agenda because they know time is running out. The [DS] is panicking, [JB] flies off to PA to convince people that there is no such thing as election fraud. The people know better, people are awake. The [DS] is now putting everything in place for [FF1], they are now moving authorities into FL and CA. The [DS] is going to cross red lines, everything is about to run red. The truth is about to come out and the elite need to control the narrative, they will try everything and anything, but this will fail, the patriots know the playbook, countermeasures in place.

Monday Jul 12, 2021

The [CB] is now losing control, the people are seeing the prices increase. The fake news needs to report on it because they people are seeing it first hand. The [CB] is now losing control of the narrative, they will become desperate and push their agenda, prepare for a [FF].  The Patriots are in total control. The cure is spreading WW and nothing can stop this. The fake news and the Biden admin are trying to explain what is happening in Cuba but people know they are lying, it's not about covid or the vaccine, it's about oppression. Trump lawsuit against big tech is going to change everything, he waited for the corrupt politicians to commit the crime with big tech and once the crime was completed they sprung the trap so everyone could see. The gov in Cuba is preparing a communication blackout, expect the same in the US when the information about election fraud, treason, sedition and crimes against humanity starts to roll out.

Sunday Jul 11, 2021

Banks are now scrambling they know something is coming, WF decides to end credit for customers. Trump releases the bait, will the [CB]/[JB] take it. The people must see it and experience everything the [DS]/[CB] want to demand change. China [CB] are now pushing their agenda, push everyone away from crypto. Trump and the patriots are continually pushing the facts and truth out to the public. Trump says the facts are coming out so fast it's like the fast and the furious. The election fraud is going to be seen in each state and people are going to realize that this is not a glitch. The [DS] is preparing to make their move when the truth comes out, it is timed perfectly with the great reset. Prepare for zero day. The patriots know the playbook, red lines will be crossed and countermeasures are in place.

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